poetry of the Dark, Erotic, Violent, Sacreligious & Macabre

Dead Head Metal Banger Bitch


dead head metal banger bitch

and you slam danced

far beyond the crevices of my soul

turning my bright days, black

turning my blue nights, red

fucking my equilibrium, grey

leaving my body hollow

to wallow in self-cum whiskey

and Satanic crack


and I don’t see the end

only you coming back

and back coming back

like a sightless uroboros

de-fractured by the cheap

of your Devil’s blow

not knowing which way to go, except

scarring my re-birth from Christianity

as we in turn took turns

fucking our noses dizzy

until I had visions of Miss Lizzy

carrying a bouquet of crucifix axes

in an array of multi-blood-hued colors as

I leaned across the fleshed fields

of your fleshed lips and spliced your mouth open;

and you kissed me deep into an erotic sleep

and there you smiled clothless beneath

the orgasmic rain

of my communal blood

showering over you, with you

wearing only my foreskin as your hat




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