poetry of the Dark, Erotic, Violent, Sacreligious & Macabre

Lucifer up my Sky with Diamonds


forgive me satan, she said

for I`m about to sin, pluck the bobby pin

from my matted hair, sit my soul

upon the liar`s chair

and I bind you devlin

upon a hangman`s tree

the devil comes to deal it hard, 3 times 3;

Ooh, such misery in your painted woman`s goth

I stand before you

crucifixed and bathed in a river`ed styx cloth;

And what, did you think you can honestly

outsmart me, I`s like that saying sows

“misery loves company“ only I won`t

splinter your bones, you`re a tone

I need you to groan in me …

and cockadoodledoo goes the red cock

feathered on the fence, and fall you will

down to your knees

hands criss~crossed

in a pentagrams pence … and praying for

sixty~six our father`s & six hail mary`s

won`t save your lover from

beating down those dirty hairy`s

or taking a road trip down that suicide strip

no bitches will be tongue bangin` those fuck poles

if that`s what he`s fixin` to find,

love is invincible, a bawdy principle

like resort style cunts sippin` on manga vodkas

from a mini bar buffet but oh that fucking sunset

where love is not for consumption on a grapefruit;

and ei~ei~o blows john doe kicking down priests

baptizing those bloodletting beasts, fisting & feasting

the discarded & diseased … and what of those nuns

bumming cigs & sex~arettes, slam dancing` to

crimson & clovers drunk on vatican wine

`cause after this, nothing is a do over;

and it sucks to be sober you say as you come to lay

your catholic spit upon my radical clit … lucifer`s

up my sky with diamonds but for whom

the bells toll is the real show let me kiss you slow

as I straddle and strangle your tongue deeper than deep;

it`s midnight, twilight, last flight to hell`s blight

as I slip back into my broken glass slippers you slip back

into you slumber … you have a ticket to ride

Molly’s white line highway

but you`d rather pay the boatman his due

you’re fucked, my luv


I’m screwed



God, how I fucking love you ~



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