poetry of the Dark, Erotic, Violent, Sacreligious & Macabre


I’m drowning

in an ocean

of filtered water


it is obvious that

I’m in to deep


in to deep because I’ve allowed

you to ingest me whole

to permeate the recesses

of what made me solitary once


I could very easily fend

systematically loathing you

unremorsefully begging you

to regurgitate the spent

of my flesh and frame

and make me sovereign again


like when you used to look at me –

with love


invoking an immense sensatory

of your lust I hungered for


but drowning, today, is the most

logical approach – this filtered water

pungent-ing my soul,

exterminating my sins,

exorcism-ing my spinal demons


like casting out the Archangel of Guts

from within a paradisonal hell –

sinless, spineless, demonless


I’m a fucking pathetic gutless waste

to what makes a soul humanely pure.


I guess

this is what it means

after one says, “I do”.



One response

  1. I love this, so powerful, truly speaks volumes to me, I’d love if you could read some of my writing and let me know what you think, it’d mean the world, thank you 🙂 ✨


    August 17, 2014 at 4:14 pm

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